A Second to Breathe – A Poem
First: A Catch-Up In lieu of doing something substantive at this stage (check out my Twitter for that) I want to do a bit of a remedy piece. These past two months due to the changes at the Firm and the influx of work,
A Glass of Green Tea – A Poetic Narrative

A glass of green tea is a beautiful thing. Greatly unappreciated – subsumed by the old, mashed up, fermented teas
Post-Graduate Restoration Woes Continue – Ntamag and the Nookala R.182 IRPR Conundrum

It has been awhile since I have written on post-graduate work permits and restoration but I feel inclined to do so as a result of a recent decision of the Federal Court
Race was Yesterday’s Problem (An Immigration-Themed Poem)
Race was yesterday’s problem We’ve apologized to you people Made promises we (somewhat) still try to keep How many thousands more dollars do you need? They are your grandma’s pains of yesterday
Slow Down My Friend (A Poem)
Slow down my friend I see that mind moving at a million miles an hour The chip on the shoulder – the connection to the strained brain
Canadian Immigration Crystal Ball #2020: 10, 5, and 1 Prediction for the Next 1, 5, and 10 Years

It’s early enough in the New Year and we’re still greeting individuals, so forgive me for the somewhat belated first substantive post of the New Year.
No, Harry and Meghan I won’t take your case pro bono – but here’s a proposition and some background

I think I found a semi-decent plan for Harry and Meghan to immigrate to Canada: