A Reflection on My FACLBC Speech – Where It Came From and Where I’m Going

Reflecting on My FACLBC Intro Speech – Two Days Later I am writing two days after delivering a speech at the FACLBC Gala that raised some questions and controversy. I have heard feedback from a few individuals (Asian lawyers that I respect)
The Urgent Need to Create Leave Provisions for Undergraduate International Students

Since January of this year, IRCC has now provided instructions that allow for authorized leave periods of up to 150-days contingent on school approval.
Five Immediate Steps IRCC Could Take to Make Forms/Application Processes More User Friendly

Recently in Sbayti v. Canada (MCI), 2019 FC 1296, Justice Pamel (a recent appointee to the Federal Court earlier this year) had a bit of a field day with IRCC’s forms and processes.
Speaking Notes – BCIT Diversity Circles – Immigration, Systemic Racism and Barriers to Student Success
My name is Will Tao. My Chinese name is Tao Wei. I wrote a post recently where I talked about being named after Victoria where I was born.
My Colonial Name is ‘Will’ – Here’s the Story of My Other Name ‘Wei’

“It’s Not What They Call You, It’s What You Answer To” – ascribed to comedian W.C. Fields (but I received this teaching through an April Ryan talk, March 2019, Harlem) The Story of My Many Name Changes I have been through a few name changes in my life.
Five Tips for Immigrants to Protect Themselves Against the Media’s White Gaze

“Our lives have no meaning, no depth without the white gaze. And I have spent my entire writing life trying to make sure that the white gaze was not the dominant one in any of my books.” – the late, honoured, Toni Morrison
A Few Poems From My Time at CUP
Last week I attended a week long retreat/workshop from Inner Activist called “Conscious Use of Power.”