International Students, Criminality, and Immigration Status – a Few Points and Pointers

In the past year, one of the areas in which I have received the most inquiries and run the most consultations involves international students who have found themselves facing either criminal charges or dealing with the consequences arising from immigration investigations
Eight Interview Prep Tips I Use to (Try to) Avoid Becoming a Colour-Sound Bite (“CSB”) for Mainstream Media
In the first three months of this month, I have had the privilege (and I would also call it also a personal and familial/community responsibility) to speak on quite a few very controversial issues for media (print and radio).
Immigration Appeals: The One Question You Should Ask Before Retaining a Lawyer/Consultant
For those that wonder why I have been posting less frequently than I used to do, one of the major reasons is that I have been putting significant time into building my immigration appeals practice (currently mostly spousals, residency, misreps, and some criminality).
‘Considering young lawyers in our Responses to hate’ – My Email to Fellow CBA Immigration Lawyers
Following the New Zealand terrorist attack, local elements of hate have started to put out threats. Unsurprisingly, among those targeted appear to be immigration lawyers. After it was posted, a senior colleague from Toronto and mentor Chantal Desloges shared her thoughts about the worrying nature of this incident. Barbara Jackman, OC and probably the greatest […]
‘I Don’t Get to Call Myself An Ally’ – But I Can Aim Towards Becoming One
Tomorrow, for the first time I am speaking on the topics of decolonization and intersectionality. I don’t think I have ever been as nervous for a talk. It is a topic I have been engaged in for the past several months, but it still feels to me a new term. However, there is some value […]
I Want What Timmy Has – A Short Narrative
I haven’t wrote a fictional, lighter piece in a while so I thought I’d put together this short narrative. Like many stories there are elements of my own life embedded into it. I am also sure many of you can relate to some of the streams of written thought I go on. I’ve made a […]
IRCC Makes Positive Changes to the Post-Graduate Work Permit Program – February 2019, But First A Little Personal History About Pushing Change
Part 1: First – A Little Personal History about Pushing Change In advance, I want to make clear that I am not writing this first section to make it appear as if I had anything to do with the changes announced today. This was done by concerned students, stakeholders, schools, other lawyers, and great IRCC […]