No Reason For No Reasons – Cruelity in the Case of In-Canada Spousal Refusals

A fundamental principle of natural justice/procedural fairness is that an applicant should have knowledge of the case against them, especially in the context of receiving reasons for refusal. Procedural Fairness requires that applicants know within a refusal why their application was refused and what sections of the law applied. In my own practice, and at an alarming […]

A Fresh New Start – Edelmann and Co.

First week officially in the books. I look around at my office, out at Victory Square through one clear and one not so clear glass window (there’s a story behind this – for another day, no less), I feel as if I have finally settled in. I am grateful to have landed in a place […]

Why Staying in Canada During Your Immigration Appeal Is a Crucial Thing

I have been seeing several clients recently who ask a question about whether they should be (whether in Canada or their home country) during the process of an Immigration Appeal. This is in the context of the fact appeals are taking in some cases several years to be heard. My advice is always the same: […]

A Little Winter Note of Gratitude – Thank You For Being Part of My 2017

Dear Clients/Friends/Colleagues/Readers/Supporters/Mentors: After a very eventful 2016 where too many things happened, 2017 served certainly as a nice respite. Practice-wise it was a busy one. I exceeded the practice volume targets I set for myself and by changing my model a little from “applying for clients” to “coaching clients to submit their applications” – my […]