I’m proud to support Judy Williams’ forthcoming novel “Between Main and Nowhere”
A good friend of mine, Judy Williams, an aspiring and talented Vancouver author will be releasing an interactive online novel titled “Between Main and Nowhere.” This novel is a romance/crime novel based in Vancouver, B.C. I’ll be sharing the novel as she writes it. I hope you will all enjoy her amazing work!
The Best Law Advice I Ever Received: YDYIDM
Today’s Canadian legal market for up and coming lawyers ain’t a pretty one. There’s no need to put blush or makeup on the situation. As much as getting into law school was a task, finding a paying Canadian articling position in a major Canadian city is difficult. Getting hired back is more difficult, and being […]
Why CIC’s Tougher “Requirements” Might Actually Result in More Officer Discretion
Introduction From a logical perspective, the more requirements there are for something you wish to obtain, for example job requirements or minimum scholarship requirements, the less room there is for any discretion. Using a Canadian immigration example, part of the reason Labour Market Impact Assessments (“LMIA”) Applications are able to facilitate employment when the Employer clearly […]
Misrepresentation and Express Entry: New Rules Haven’t Changed but the Risk Certainly Has
Introduction With the introduction of Express Entry earlier this year and the Government of Canada’s corresponding efforts to make the application system more accessible to the average Canadian, one intended consequence may be Applicants making what amount to “unforced errors” during the application process. Corresponding, the Government appears to be taking an increasingly hard line […]
CKFTA Pt. 1 – “Management Trainee On Professional Development”
Most of the Canada Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA) has been in force since January 1 of this year. However, in the few months that it has been implemented it appears very little is know or has been written about its potential for facilitating movement between our two countries. In this first installment, I will […]
Updates in Immigration Law – February 4, 2015- March 4, 2015
This is a regular service I provide to the lawyer’s at Larlee Rosenberg, Barristers and Solicitors. A brief summary (meant for a five minute update) on everything that has changed in the past month in the field of Canadian Immigration Law. Changes in Canadian Immigration Law are spread across multiple sources. The Government/CIC releases operational […]