Top Five Memories from 2019 and Some 2020 Pre-Year Reflections (Because Why Not)

I am a huge lists fan. I also have a very short memory span so writing things is literally my way of carrying forward 2018 into 2019
Thank You – #Clawbies2019

I have decided I want to write a longer (more substantive piece) about where I see Canadian immigration 1, 5, and 10 years
The B-eautiful Struggle – A Poem about B-Words
We spend so much time focusing on the now and the how that we forget to look
Law Student Legal Advice Program – Assistance for Low-Income Immigration/Refugee/Citizenship Applicants

Many of you may already know or have recently heard that I found a new home for providing legal services and mentorship.
Guest Post: Randall Cohn on Volunteering for the Dilley Pro Bono Project for Detained Migrant Women/Children in South Texas

As many of you know, Vancouver Immigration Blog likes to highlight the experiences and perspectives of other migrants and migrant-supporting organizations/individuals.
What are Personal Information Banks (PIBs) and Why Aren’t More People Talking About Them

A portion of this article is a modified summary of a presentation done in October 2019
Her Steps – A Poem

The structured systems that serve to silence our sisters in their seven point five and subsume them with stress in their remaining seven.