An Update When You Owe An Update – Summer 2017
VIB Readers: Without sounding like a broken record, the past few months have been busy with so much happening that unfortunately writing has taken an unfortunate backseat. You will not hear excuses from me – I need to write more and I know it. On the positive front, it has also been a very reflective […]
Opinion: We Need to Start Writing a Chinese Canadian Narrative for Ourselves
A survey of recent media reports from Vancouver and increasingly from Toronto show a worry trend of the reviving and recycling of historical “yellow peril” arguments that many of us hoped t21st century Canada had largely left behind. One of the central reasons for this revived narrative the very real affordability crisis affecting Canadian metropolitan […]
Letting your relationship guide your immigration, not your immigration guide your relationship – advice for international students
Recently, I have been writing for/with the passionate, Kelly Toughill, a journalist and immigration advocate who I believe is doing amazing and thoughtful work for international students. I recently published a piece highlighting some of the concerns international students have been coming to me with in respect to pressure to enter into relationships that can […]
List of Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) Eligible Schools in Alberta
A colleague, Anna, recently posted this to the CBA Immigration Law listserve which I felt was worth sharing. She inquired to Alberta Educational authorities about the list of eligible schools and received this following list: Public Institutions Alberta College of Art and Design Bow Valley College Grande Prairie Regional College Keyano College Lakeland College Lethbridge […]
Trying to Understand the Media’s Obsession with Vilifying Some Canadian Immigrant Communities
Almost two years ago, I penned a widely-read piece on my belief that the media needed to be responsible in penning case of individual immigrants for fear of inaccuracies and long-term consequences for the immigrants involved. Some disagreed with my stance, but n sharing those different perspectives I felt it was a fruitful debate. Overall, […]
Takeaways from CBA National Immigration Conference – Pt. 1 – IRCC’s Increased Focus on the “Client Experience”
One of the highlights of the CBA Immigration Law Conference is that the Minister of Immigration speaks and talks about his government’s focus and priority moving forward. Minister @AhmedDHussen now addressing #cbaimm2017 @CBAImmigration — Chantal Desloges (@Twimmigration) June 10, 2017 In general, the Minister’s humility very much stood out to me. I think that […]
Tracing My Mainland Chinese Roots to Chinatown: A Personal Narrative

Framing My Perspective Over the past several months, I have had the unique opportunity of being part of a City of Vancouver Committee looking at Historical Discrimination Against Chinese in Vancouver from the City’s incorporation in 1886 to provincial franchisement in1947 and later to the granting of full municipal voting rights in 1949. I am […]