Can I Lose My Open Work Permit If My In-Canada Spousal Is Refused?
As a relatively new (December 2014) immigration program, the One Year Pilot Project which provides an Open-Work Permit to In-Canada Spousal Sponsorship/Common-Law Applicants raises many interesting factual scenarios – particularly in relation to refused applications. Under this pilot project, prior to first-stage approval, Applicants who currently are in-status and in Canada are given open work permits […]
Increased Canadian Immigration Obligation on Transportation Companies (Pt. 1)
This is the first part of a multi-part series which will look at the effect of the Canadian Government’s increased security and information sharing measures may have on transportation to and from Canada. On June 27, 2015, the Federal Government introduced new proposed “Regulations Amending the Protection of Passenger Information Regulations” through Part 1 – […]
Providing Your Social Insurance Number for Citizenship
Introduction Thanks to the new changes to the Citizenship Act, all of which are now officially in-force as of June 11, 2015, there are also new Citizenship Forms and Regulations. Part of the changes to the Forms and Regulations are new requirements for Applicants to provide their Social Insurance Number. Unlike in the context of permanent residents, […]
Forgetting A Period of Employment = Misrepresentation? Quite Probably.
Introduction Under Canada’s new Express Entry system for Economic Immigration, Applicants are required at the profile creation stage to list their entire employment history for the past 10 years or since the age of 18 in an electronic form. Particularly for individuals who work contract on short term duration work, this record could be very […]
The New Direction of Misrepresentation in Canadian Immigration: Criminal Inadmissibility
Introduction As I have covered in previous blogs on the topic, I believe Misrepresentation under s.40 of the Immigration and Refugee Protections Act [IRPA] is the new tool that CIC will be increasingly using to defend program integrity. The penalty for misrepresentation used to be only two years, only a year greater than the penalty resulting […]
“Bad” Google Searches as Extrinsic Immigration Evidence + A Possible Solution
The recent Federal Court case of Chen v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) 2015 FC 771, highlights a growing problem in the assessment of immigration applications, Immigrant Officer relying on poorly researched extrinsic evidence to reject applications. In Chen, the Applicant, Zhaohui Chen had been convicted of manslaughter and found inadmissible to Canada for serious criminality under […]
BC Re-Opened July 2nd With New Programs and Criteria
I apologize for the long period of no posts. Even checking twitter for #cdnimm news has become a bit of a luxury with several urgent client files on the go. I wanted to update everybody on important changes that have been made to the BC PNP. Note that the folowing post was co-written with (and, […]