“Too Often Silent and Therefore Complicit” – A Poem on Anti-Blackness
Dear M: I still call you my first Black friend. But having a Black friend ain’t never enough but an excuse to divert from the reality of anti-Blackness in my own life. I can’t just give you daps while denying the fact that:
CBA Immigration Section Founder’s Award Paper and Some Sharing of Gratitude
Hi Readers: I have been relatively quiet of late, grappling, as many are with the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Chantel Moore and thinking about how my own work and positionality as a lawyer requires me to do more
Dear Anxiety – A Letter
Dear Anxiety: I have a hearing in less than two hours. I am writing you to spill my heart and in hopes that I put you to a resting space in the very back of my head. You have occupied a place at the very front for too long.
Protected: Exclusive Family & Friends Preview of My Founder’s Award Paper
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Recently quoted in CBA National Magazine’s: ‘The pandemic and the long-term impact on immigration’
Panellist Will Tao, a lawyer at Edelmann & Co. Law Offices in Vancouver, worries that international graduates or students have the most trouble advocating for themselves, and are unable to access the benefits on offer because their immigration status plays a role.
Study Permit: COVID-19 Program Delivery – What It Says and What It Doesn’t

Oh, the joys of our immigration practice and the frequent changes it brings along. I am scheduled to speak on study permits this upcoming Friday for the Canadian Bar Association’s National Conference. I finished my materials a week and a half ago
Reflections on Chief Justice Crampton’s “Best Practices on Judicial Review (Written Submissions)” and My Own Three Tips

Chief Justice Paul Crampton in a recent piece for the CBA’s National Immigration Section’s COVID’s 20:20 A Vision for Lawyer Expertise During a Pandemic and Beyond