Another Peer Review We’re Making Public: Privately Sponsored Refugee Automation

Award-Winning Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law and Commentary Blog

Another Peer Review We’re Making Public: Privately Sponsored Refugee Automation

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We have access to a new peer review thanks to the ATIP prowess of Andrew Koltun.

This one is for the Automation Tools on Privately Sponsored Refugee Applications

Automation Tools on Privately Sponsored Refugee Applications

The Automation Tools on Privately Sponsored Refugee Appliations – Peer review completed GAC

Here is the Google Docs link for those who are looking on their cellphones and cannot see the preview.

While I am still reviewing (and incorporating this into a presentation I am giving on Friday), my initial thoughts are that this is consistent with my concern of pro forma peer review summaries being provided by IRCC as part of the AIA process. On behalf of AIMICI, I wrote a brief earlier this week today where I raised that as public stakeholders we would like to see what Global Affairs Canada actually said, rather than what IRCC’s summary was.

This is probably the most favourable (with almost no criticism) peer review I have read to date.


About Us

Will Tao is an Award-Winning Canadian Immigration and Refugee Lawyer, Writer, and Policy Advisor based in Vancouver. Vancouver Immigration Blog is a public legal resource and social commentary.

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