[VIB x HLO] 2023 Federal Court Year in Review (non-IRB Immigration cases) + Policy Insights

Award-Winning Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law and Commentary Blog

[VIB x HLO] 2023 Federal Court Year in Review (non-IRB Immigration cases) + Policy Insights

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I have been reading some very excellent ‘year in reviews’ this year in various spaces across the law. These are fantastic for getting a snapshot on where things have been in an area of law and where things are going.

I would like to humbly add my submission, via a paper I wrote for the Continuing Legal Education British (“CLEBC”) Immigration Issues in Depth conference. For those who have not attended one, I highly recommend it particularly for those engaged in Tribunal (IRB) + Federal Court work. Many senior government lawyers and tribunal leadership attend, and I find it the most intellectual/technical of the many conferences on offer.

This year, I had the privilege of presenting at the jurisprudence panel. My specific topic was non-IRB Federal Court judicial review cases in 2023. Within these limitations, and with my further effort to reduce dimensionality to cases with a potential policy impact (hence, the title: Broader Application and Implications).

I hope you will all enjoy the paper. It took a lot longer than I expected (a lot of sleepless nights, including two while I was at a conference in Montreal) to try to tie together the various strands but hopefully a bit of a roadmap for what was and what will be. The three recommendations near the end are my attempt to be thought-provoking.

Check it out!

Broader Applications and Implications – FINAL

About Us

Will Tao is an Award-Winning Canadian Immigration and Refugee Lawyer, Writer, and Policy Advisor based in Vancouver. Vancouver Immigration Blog is a public legal resource and social commentary.

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